This header is Large.
This is the first paragraph with some text.
I can put different things in this paragraph so I can see how it looks. Unlike strong words, most text has a normal weight.
Bold text has a bold weight.
Unlike emphasized words, most text is normal in size and weight and style.
Emphasis is usually in italic style.
CSS Background Images
Alert! The text of our alert message goes here. Adding the background color really makes the alert stand out. The image file is missing or there would be an Alert icon too.
Parts of background images that are larger than the element they are behind will not show up. This paragraph has a background image of a sunset that is larger than the paragraph box. Only showing the part of the image that fits is useful when using sprites because the same image can contain several icons. By placing the image in different positions, the different icons will show up. The end result is as if each icon had been loaded differently. The advantage is that only one image needs to be loaded to the browser.
The following lists some background code examples. I don't have the actual images to use.
- blockquote{background: #ff0 url('quote.png') no-repeat scroll left bottom;}
- background shorthand example {background: #FFFFCC url('alert.png') no-repeat scroll 10 px 10 px:}