This is an education project for a fictional producer of straw widgets.
I started the week working on broken links. My images didn't open and my video wouldn't run. Little by little, I found the typos that were keeping them from running. I found that it wasn't enough to just proofread the links once or twice. As I added more images throughout the week, most loaded properly. The typos that caused the broken links included an extra quotation mark, a wrong letter, or a missing greater than sign. It was exciting to see all of the images finally load.
Most of the images on my site were taken by me or my family and friends. A few were downloaded from I have included the required credits when I used their photos. I tried to keep a crisp resolution on the photos. I tried to lower the resolution, but the images became blurry on my computer. I did use Photoshop to crop the images and reduce their sizes in order to make the file sizes smaller.
I needed to add written content to each page. I started with the headlines, but tried to use regular size type also. I don't have a lot of written content, but I do have a variety of text. I added an aside as well as created some paragraphs with unique ids. It will be interesting to see how they turn out on CSS.
I used my site plan as a guide to create my site. I used my asset list to create pages. In some cases, I combined similar assets on one page, but put them in their own section. I also used my elevator statement on my About Us page. It was very helpful to have the site plan.
I ran the Yslow tests on all of the pages. I found they were all bigger than the ideal, but there were all smaller than the maximum. I tried removing the images, but the pages were still larger than the ideal number. I also ran each page through the W3C Validator. It kept timing out on the page checks. Eventually, I was able to check the pages. Despite the complications, I like the validator, because it caught some mistakes. I couldn't get the Custom Widget page to validate. It had 1 error in the video attributes. The validator said the video width of 100% is not valid. But the Lesson 6 course instructions clearly lists 100% as the video width. I changed the dimensions to match my poster, but I was sad to lose the flexibility the 10% had created.
I'm including a screenshot of my final validator test results,. My entire site is my proof this week. I would have liked to have more text, but I didn't have any more time. I spent about 35 hours in deliberate practice this week. I also spent about 5 hours researching. I have not caught up my reading, but submitting my site should put me back on track for next week.