This is an education project for a fictional producer of straw widgets.
This week was spent starting my CSS. I have been working on practice pages still. My teaching presentation took a lot more time than I expected. The research online was interesting. I had learned about using ems and percentages in my WDD 100 class. However, most of this class has had me working with pixels. I was glad to use the relative measurements instead. Some of the research I did showed how to convert an existing web page to a fluid layout. That could come in handy when I help someone with an existing site. I intend to create mine with relative measurements as much as possible.
This week I spent 8 hours in deliberate practice and 5 hours reading. I read almost all of the material in our course that was assigned for this week. I didn't mark it complete because I didn't finish all of the exercises, just some of them. I needed to read most of the material in order to create my teaching presentation. I spent most of my time setting up the proportional columns on the practice page. It took some time to adjust it to the content I had. I decided to use the left links column for my resources instead. It took a while to figure out which values needed adjusting in order for the column to fit my content. After hours of adjusting, I realized that it still might not look the same in other browsers or on mobile devices. I can see the enormity of the challenges that web developers face when trying to make their site functional and attractive on all the browsers and devices.
One of the more interesting articles I ran into was about grids. It was published by W3C and was titled "CSS Grid Layout." I included a link to it on my teaching presentation website. I am also including it here. The grids are able to move things around to fit the different sizes and shapes of the viewports. It has some of the advantages of a table, but not the disadvantages. It can help things stay organized, but allows the organization to shift. It also uses something called "grid containers" that are similar to our box models. The grid concept is simple for me to understand, but I can see it is more complex to implement. I hope to be able to use it soon, but maybe not for this class.
Here are the links to my teaching presentation pages. They took most of my time this week. I was just told that I posted the presentation on the wrong teaching presentation discussion board. I tried to find the right one, but I got lost on all of ILearn's little menus.